Although you might have heard the term “decentralization of the Internet” many times before, your thoughts may have been rushed when you first heard it. Happens! It’s not hard to see why. Let’s make it clear by explaining Web3.
Web3 refers to the idea of a new, improved internet. This improved Internet uses NFTs and blockchains. so it can give access back to the consumer.
What’s the benefit? This will result in a more transparent system and better consumer security.
Thanks to centralization, many people have access to the WWW. This created the infrastructure that they needed to survive. As you may have noticed, WWW is in the hands of a handful of companies. These centralized owners used to provide information via the Internet to the populace. In essence, they were internet market owners with full control over all things online.
Web3 is the solution. As a result of Web3 development, things are changing.
Evolution of Web
The majority of people believe the Web was created, and it has been an integral part of modern life ever since. However, the Web of today is very different from what it was in the past. The internet’s future evolution was not predicted by the original creators of the web. It is helpful to have a basic understanding of the Web’s history. This can be broken down into Web 1.0 or Web 2.0.
Web1.0: A one-way medium
Web 1.0 is the original version of Berners Lee’s invention. This was intended for static websites that were owned by a few companies. Users rarely created content, and there was very little interaction. It is often referred to as the “read-only Web.” They couldn’t discuss it or their own experience.
Interact With the World using Web 2.0
The dawn of web 2.0 was marked by the introduction of social media platforms in 2004. Individuals are now able to interact with each other, exchange stories, and communicate with one another online. The Web evolved from a read-only medium to a readable one. Instead of providing material to users, businesses began to offer platforms that allowed users to exchange content and communicate with each other.
The general public began to understand how large tech companies were gathering their data and using it for marketing purposes. Facebook, in particular, has been under fire for its violations of data privacy regulations. Recently, the Federal Trade Commission imposed a $5 billion fine, which is the largest fine ever imposed. This web 2.0 technology was viewed by users as clients.
Web 3.0 – Control your online presence
A small group of top-ranked businesses began to control a large portion of the internet traffic and the value it produced. Although users may create content, they don’t have ownership of it and are not paid for it.
The discussion about the future of the Internet sparked the creation of Web 3.0.0. The third generation of the Internet focuses solely on giving consumers back control over their sensitive data and increasing transparency.
It is simply the new version of the Internet that supports decentralized protocols. This will reduce reliance on tech companies like Youtube, Netflix, and Amazon.
Our Web 3.0 is capable of performing three tasks, unlike the two previous generations. It can read, write, and own.
Users can manage the Web as well as its governance. You no longer have to give data to corporations when you sign up or visit them. It’s that simple! Let’s get this out of the way. It is not that data cannot be shared. You have the option to choose not to do so. Web 3.0.0 allows you to share your data with other versions of the Internet.
These Web 3.0 shares are known as tokens and cryptocurrencies. They signify ownership in the decentralized networks known as blockchains. Every Web visitor or consumer can influence the network by owning a certain amount of these tokens.
You can also vote with these tokens on the issues you feel should be solved. You can raise issues related to development, security, maintenance, and decentralized loan protocols.
Use Cases of Web 3.0
You’ve likely heard many things about the metaverse. When you search for Web 3.0.0’s amazing applications, the first thing you will learn is about the metaverse. Do you know what the metaverse actually looks like? Let’s discuss it.
The metaverse, in a nutshell, is a three-dimensional representation of the Internet that anyone can use to navigate. You will use the Internet to perform activities, not just watch the event on your computers’ screens.
The claims of a decentralized, open, and shared virtual environment will determine whether or not the metaverse is recognized as one of the most important use cases of Web3.
The metaverse is not yet incorporated into daily life. However, there are some hints of it across a variety of platforms. Many of the most prominent companies in tech and commercial, such as Epic Games, Google, Facebook, and Google, have recognized Web3 principles’ benefits for diverse metaverse applications.
Blockchain Games
Blockchain gaming is likely to be the best example of Web3 in practice. Games built using blockchain technology can have their own economies that allow players to own items that can be used within the game. One of the most common answers to the question “What is web3 used in?” is “To develop blockchain games,” especially considering that blockchain games are one of the earliest Web3 applications.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations:
Web 3.0.0’s key feature is decentralized autonomous organizations. What does this mean? A decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO, is an organization that does not have the authority to manage. These organizations prefer to be managed by sensible contact codes.
DAOs are designed to use intelligent contracts capable of taking into account the majority of votes and making decisions without human intervention. This will enable you to distribute control over all internet users rather than just one person.
Decentralized Financing:
Have you ever realized the incredible things Web 3.0 can do for the world of finance? Let’s talk about Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi. This is a new idea that uses decentralized software to provide financial services. DeFi, a component of Web 3.0, has enjoyed immense popularity over time. Defi’s advantage is that it allows users to perform transactions without the need for financial institutions like banks or the government. Several companies have started to invest their money in DeFi after realizing its potential. It can be difficult to imagine any such involvement by any institute, but it is possible.
Creator Economy:
While we cannot technically call the creator economy a web 3.0 use-case, it is an important feature of the web 3.0 environment. The Creator economy reveals that the emerging creator communities (including musicians, artists, and developers) are directly connecting to fans and supporters. Creators can rely on web 3.0 principles to facilitate frictionless collaboration without intermediaries.
NFTs (or non-fungible tokens) are one of the key features of the creator economy in real-world web 3.0 applications. The new class of digital assets is gaining immense popularity due to its uniqueness. High-profile NFT sales are crucial for boosting creator economies.
The creator economy is one of the most popular web three applications. It allows people who spend lots of time online in various digital environments to make money. NFTs offer creators new ways to monetize their work without having to go through traditional gatekeepers. Creators can market their work directly through the web 3.0 creator economy case.
It was more than a decade ago, but it was the first digital currency decentralized. Bitcoin was, in fact, the first decentralized digital currency and the app that brought blockchain to prominence.
While other cryptocurrencies and Blockchain platforms have advanced the technology compared to bitcoin and use the concept 3.0 better than bitcoin, bitcoin still meets the standard.
According to estimates, 36% of small businesses in America accept Bitcoin payments. One country even recognizes it as a legal tender.
More countries and businesses accept cryptocurrency payments.
Privacy & Security:
Many decentralized messaging apps, such as spectrum, are becoming web3 equivalents to WhatsApp and WeChat. Web 3.0 aims to protect privacy and security by allowing connections that don’t require a phone number or email ID. Web 2.0, the current version, was able to identify a person because it was centralized. The information was retained by the owner of the server.
There are also many decentralized streaming video services, such as Dtube, where you can view videos that interest you. Let’s look at YouTube as an example. YouTube currently allows us to suggest videos and show them on our feeds. However, this won’t be the case for the 3.0 version.
They also decide which videos can be monetized and which people can make money from. All of these decisions are made in accordance with the guidelines set by the site owner.
These decentralized streaming video systems attempt to give consumers control over video exposure by allowing viewers to view, share, like, and comment on videos. The conventional sense of the word “owners” does not allow them to remove uploaded content from their servers.
Web 3.0’s Disadvantages:
- Before Web 3.0 can be used, you will need to establish a privacy policy.
- Surfing with more people took longer.
- Technology isn’t ready yet.
- Technology that is more environmentally friendly than the previous has to be improved.
- To ensure ownership and security, many laws needed to be amended.
- For newcomers, it can be difficult to understand.
- Web 1.0 sites will be significantly older.
- Web 3.0.0 won’t be accessible to devices with less advanced capabilities.
We can conclude that Web 3.0 has drastically changed the way users use the internet. We have made a lot of progress in this evolution, from simply reading information on the Web to owning it with all the security restrictions removed.
Web 3.0 is a new concept that is cutting-edge, but it will take time to grow as it is still in its infancy. Many industries are implementing web 3.0 use cases to modernize their internal infrastructures and transition to the web 3.0 architecture. The metaverse and DAOs are two of the most prominent Web 3.0 use cases that help enterprises realize their full potential. As technology advances and time passes, Web 3.0 will see new use cases that address business inefficiencies.